
John 1. ヨハネによる福音書1章。this is Okinawa Japan. I love peace all over the world. ♥ 

When I read John 1 of the Gospel and it touched my heart, I read 1: 5 "The light is shining in the darkness, and the darkness has not defeated it."
I think that the light shining in the darkness is the beautiful figure of the death and resurrection of the cross of Jesus Christ the Savior.
And it is a wonderful scripture in which the darkness didn't win, "by the word Jesus Christ, the" light, "declared complete victory to Satan, the" sovereign of the world of darkness. " think. These are the words that were deeply memorable after I read Gospel 1 by John.

以上がヨハネによる福音書1章を読んで心に深く残った御言葉です ♥ 
Okinawa Japan.
Thank you so much dear friends.

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