2 Sam
18:5 He gave orders to Joab, Abishai, and Ittai: "For my sake don't harm the young man Absalom." And all the troops heard David give this command to his officers.
18:6 David's army went out into the countryside and fought the Israelites in Ephraim Forest.
18:7 The Israelites were defeated by David's men; it was a terrible defeat, with twenty thousand men killed that day.
18:8 The fighting spread over the countryside, and more men died in the forest than were killed in battle.
18:9 Suddenly Absalom met some of David's men. Absalom was riding a mule, and as it went under a large oak tree, Absalom's head got caught in the branches. The mule ran on and Absalom was left hanging in midair.
18:10 One of David's men saw him and reported to Joab, "Sir, I saw Absalom hanging in an oak tree!"
18:11 Joab answered, "If you saw him, why didn't you kill him on the spot? I myself would have given you ten pieces of silver and a belt."
18:12 But the man answered, "Even if you gave me a thousand pieces of silver, I wouldn't lift a finger against the king's son. We all heard the king command you and Abishai and Ittai, "For my sake don't harm the young man Absalom.'
18:13 But if I had disobeyed the king and killed Absalom, the king would have heard about it-he hears about everything-and you would not have defended me."
18:14 "I'm not going to waste any more time with you," Joab said. He took three spears and plunged them into Absalom's chest while he was still alive, hanging in the oak tree.
18:15 Then ten of Joab's soldiers closed in on Absalom and finished killing him.
18:16 Joab had the trumpet blown to stop the fighting, and his troops came back from pursuing the Israelites.
18:17 They took Absalom's body, threw it into a deep pit in the forest, and covered it with a huge pile of stones. All the Israelites fled to their own hometowns.
18:18 During his lifetime Absalom had built a monument for himself in King's Valley, because he had no son to keep his name alive. So he named it after himself, and to this day it is known as Absalom's Monument.
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わたしは30歳の頃、沖映通りのデパート「ダイナハ」で一眼レフカメラ(キャノンA-1)を買いました。「現在はジュンク堂書店」になっています。その頃から、沖縄県南部の知念半島をドライブしながら美しい風景の撮影を続けて現在まで約40年継続してきました。PCを何台か変えるたびに撮りためた写真をバックアップしていませんでした。残念に思います。 私の趣味は美しい風景を撮影をすることです。 ブログを立ち上げて海外の写真愛好家の人々とお友達になっています。 頸椎を痛め、坐骨神経痛を患って体の衰えを実感しているこの頃です。私にバプテスマを授けて下さった牧師も天に召されました。そして私も71歳の高齢者になり自宅で安静に生活しながらインターネットを活用して聖書の学びを継続しています。
二流の演奏をするなら、私はコンサートなんてしません。 ~フジ子・ヘミング(ピアニスト) ~イングリット・フジ子・ヘミング≪1932年--≫ ★日本、ヨーロッパ、アメリカで活躍するピアニスト。 父親がロシア系スウェーデン人で、母親が日本人。 ベルリンで生まれる。デビューC...
【口語訳】 ヨハネによる福音書 5:24 よくよくあなたがたに言っておく。わたしの言葉を聞いて、わたしをつかわされたかたを信じる者は、永遠の命を受け、またさばかれることがなく、死から命に移っているのである。 聖書の学びは「入門編」から解き明かして行く必要があ...
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